Tips to Look After Jewelry
Keep in mind not to polish plated jewelry or gold filled because if you do it, you will damage the su***ce of jewelry.You also may take easy homemade solution as your choice to clean your jewelry. It can be used to clean it when you find that a polishing cloth cannot reach certain spot of jewelry. Use lukewarm water or a mild washing up liquid to clean it. It is one effective way to make your jewelry still in good condition.Just remember that buying commercial gold or silver cleaners needs great consideration. You should read the label carefully and never use a chemical cleaner because some gemstones cannot be cleaned by using the chemical cleaner such as malachite, turquoise, pearls, lapis lazuli, coral and opals.Morgan H Shaffer has been writing articles for nearly 1 year. He not only writes many articles related to jewelry but also articles about white gold diamond necklace. Come visit his latest website over on white gold diamond necklace which will help you find the best diamond key pendant and information you are looking for.Article Source: Tips to Look After Jewelry.So never wear jewelry while gardening or washing. Never wear two rings in one finger since it will rub and scratch. It will make it duller.As a matter of fact, often worn jewelry like a wedding ring can need rhodium plating up to twice per year. Furthermore, you should remove white gold when working or swimming with family chemicals. Why is it so? White gold is really responsive to harsh chemicals which can cause discoloration and pitting.Always be careful, if you do failure to correctly care for your jewelry, it will cause permanent damage. There are some tools to care for your jewelry, you may use lightly polishing clothes to refurbish luster.